After positive
Art Pavilion ERGO Hestia, Warsaw, Poland, 2018
photo: Piotr Litwic
After Positive deceives us a bit by blurring the clarity of the border between presence and absence. It suggest that our habit of perceiving the positive as strongly present in reality should not be so obvious. In his practice Maciej Gabka conceives the strategy of combining white and transparent surfaces differently. His artwork throws us of the scent. It puts us in a situation of permanent doubt and forces us to pose questions concerning the (non)presence. His works require active stance from us, because these works balance between materiality and dematerialization. They play with our inclinations to declare with confidence that something is or is not. Consequently, his multimedia practice asserts that doubt may be an inspiring and positive aspect of the human condition.
An excerpt from Marta Smolińska’s text After Positive: In Praise of Doubt accompanying the Maciej Gabka’s solo exhibition in the Art Pavilion ERGO Hestia in 2018